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Grant projects

We have been participating in a number of Czech and international grant projects for a long time, the aim of which is to find new useful solutions for the future.

What do we deal with most often in grant projects?

Development of solutions for intelligent buildings (Smart Home), cities (Smart Cities), transport and healthcare (eHealth) or for identification systems in general.

Grant projects are a valuable source of knowledge for us. Thanks to the conclusions from them, we can constantly improve our services and products through the most modern technologies.

Tomáš Trpišovský

Head of Research at IMA

All grant projects

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Leverage synergy by cyber-physical systems for the convergence of the eco systems mobility, infrastructure and energy in the circular economy for the Society 5.0.
Nové směry v elektronice pro průmysl 4.0 a medicínu 4.0.
Solidify the European FDSOI Ecosystem Accelerating its Industrial Deployment.
Secure situational awareness for critical cyber-physical systems.
Distributed Multi-Sensor Systems For Human Safety And Health.
Reliable powerdown for industrial drives.
European ECOsystem for greeN Electronics.
Trusted lifetime in operation for a circular economy.
Acoustic sensor solutions integrated with digital technologies as key enablers for emerging applications fostering Society 5.0.
Artificial Intelligence using Quantum measured Information for realtime .
trategies and Technologies for United and Resilient Critical Infrastructures and Vital Services in Pandemic-Stricken Europe.
Protection of data flows in shared means of transport.