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01/2019 – 12/2020
Institut mikroelektronických aplikací s.r.o.
Project Name:
Project No.:
TF – Program podpory aplikovaného výzkumu a experimentálního vývoje DELTA

About project

The aim of the AgriIoT   project is to develop an economical system for livestock monitoring . The system will consist of SW-based sensors, designed with a Bluetooth LE detector. The sensors enable the transmission of aggregated data over low-power wireless IoT networks (LoRa, NB IoT). Low energy consumption is suitable for long-term livestock monitoring in remote locations.

Monitoring will take place in real time. The design of the system is being consulted and modified directly on the basis of the requirements of cattle breeders.

Simultaneously, a new analytical system based on knowledge of historical data on numbers and movement of animals will be developed. The added value for the farm will be also the possibility of predicting the occurrence of animals at a given location and time.

Another upside will be the possibility to analyze recurring patterns of behavior of the animals, as well as abnormalities in their movement.

This project is being carried out by IMA s.r.o. in cooperation with LABFIS Co., Ltd. (South Korea)

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