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Integral Indoor 3D Guidance and Access-Control System

01/2012 – 09/2013
Project Name:
Integral Indoor 3D Guidance and Access-Control System
Project No.:
!6429, 7D12001 – CZ

About project

IMA takes part in the EUROSTARS project In3DGuide – Integral Indoor 3D Guidance and Access-Control System. The project is granted in the frame of EUROSTARS by MEYS.

In3DGuide project goal is to provide an integral indoor guidance system and access control based on last generation mobile devices capabilities and Augmented Reality technology.

Large public structures and facilities play an ever-growing part in our everyday lives. These include large office buildings, shopping malls, rail stations, airports, museums and other public buildings, where most visitors are unfamiliar and want to find a specific destination or object (an office, a train platform, a parked car, an exhibited work of art). In many cases, providing information relevant to the path taken within the building can assist such visitors, for example: information in a museum about other artworks along the way, information about departing trans in a train station, or information about automatic payment stations, when looking for a parked car. An additional level of complexity is required when access is limited to certain areas on the premises. In such cases access control systems are often installed.

The main goal of this project is to develop a product that guides people within such premises to their indoor destination using only their mobile phone and local communication networks (without necessarily using cellular operators’infrastructure). Augmented Reality (A.R.) will assist them in identifying their destination or the object they are looking for (e.g. a parked car).

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