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Legal and technical tools for privacy protection in cyberspace

01/2019 – 12/2021
doc. Ing. Jan Hajný Ph.D.
Project Name:
Legal and technical tools for privacy protection in cyberspace
Project No.:
Program na podporu aplikovaného společenskovědního a humanitního výzkumu, experimentálního vývoje a inovací ÉTA 2

About project

The goal of the project is to develop a technical tool for provable user authentication with strong privacy protection. The project combines research in technical disciplines, particularly in informatics and mathematics, with social sciences, in particular jurisprudence. The main outcome will be implemented as the software for secure authentication. The system will be developed using methods of modern cryptography and will reflect the legal requirements on privacy protection as well as the forensic usability of authentication records. The system will be implemented, tested in practice and delivered in the form of software and a functional sample. The specification will be released as a “best-practice” and will be commercialized by the application guarantee within its IMAPorter PRO product.
This project is being carried out by IMA s.r.o. In cooperation with Faculty of electrical engineering and communication, BUT and Faculty of Law, MUNI.

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