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Wide band gap Innovative SiC for Advanced Power

06/2017 – 05/2020
Distretto Tecnologico Sicila Micro e Nano Sistemi S.C.a.r.l.
Project Name:
Wide band gap Innovative SiC for Advanced Power
Project No.:

About project

The major aim of the WInSiC4AP project is therefore to design, prototype and demonstrate SiC based highly integrated power demonstrators, ready for a successful industrialization, by bringing together the semiconductor and packaging producers (STMicroelectronics, aPSI3D), advanced processes (SAT), the passive component producers (WÜRTH), the power converter utilizers (VALEO, NEXTER, ZODAERO, APOJEE), systems electronics (IMA), software development (SOFTECO) and the final users (ED, DAC), all supported by RTO and Universities Labs under the whole coordination of DTSMNS. In synthesis the outcome of the WInSiC4AP project will be the design and the demonstration of enhanced SiC components for automotive, railway and avionic.

IMA will employ the new SiC power components in a smart actuator for industry system automation. The actuator provided with Low Power WAN standard will become as a new building block for smart industry architectures addressing remote energy controlling. Out-door as well as in-door devices within industry systems are intended to be equipped with the smart actuators. Testing prototype and producing new system component – SiC based actuator – IMA will innovate IMAporter access control system.

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